" With meditation and persistence, anything can be achieved. But whose sleeve? "Defense, defense". Is what the local leukocytes are calling, whose watching a barracuda filter that delivers solicited content so who shall all remember. #Metoo, does that always pertain to something sexual or does your look decide whether or not your considered a professional? Hush yo mouth stay in your lane should my side of the fence be lower in order for you to be up if I choose to stand taller. Shouldn't it be like everybody can shine in they on limelight. Oops I guess that greed forgot to say, it's a fight. Definitely a faux paus if I say something positive in unexpected time but them bills know no fakeness when its time to give that dime.
Rub your fingers on that temple. Let that blood flow. He that heals the human mind train, surely finds the way to go. Lest you be in your personal choice of training, will your mind accept a new process of thinking in order to not be corrupted by what your maintaining. Maybe change, maybe reject. Is that why they say pay for wisdom and see what your get. Sold not told, so bold so cold. They were in my own home saying how nervous they were around me, when their the ones who chose to be around me. I didn't give you a license to react with that rolled eye look when I all did was glance more than one time to see if that's what I coulda took. Slowly being trained to be automated rather than facilitated. Cooperation gives way to less altercation. Or does it? Sophistication that is his name. Always the blame game under a different name. No two days are the same, maybe slightly. Give or take. Timing, feelings, and what happened when your started your day or how you ending it the night before. Closed the door on another one. Swept the floor. No I mean "sand the floor" no copyright intended. Never pretended to be perfect. Someone's always worried. Over zealous?
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